Full-Service Digitalagentur SUNZINET - Business Applications Web & Cloud_2
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    Interface Development Agency

    Improve CX & boost efficiency with  Seamlessly integrated tools

    +20 Years of experience, 160 employees in 3 countries Contact us now

    Our services for successful interface developments

    To achieve optimal integration of your systems, we have a dedicated architecture and integration team. This ensures that every byte arrives exactly where it is needed. The approach is tailored to your needs and requirements, allowing us to achieve the best results together with you.

    • Online-Marktplatz SEO

      Status Quo Analysis

      In workshops and individual sessions with the users of the systems, we develop an overview of the systems in use and "map" their usage and purposes. We uncover integration potentials and identify current pain points in the use of the systems.

    • Schnittstellen Zielbild

      Target Group Image Development

      The target image clearly depicts the future vision of the system landscape. It describes the process chains and the involvement of individual services in fulfilling specific tasks. Data flows between systems are defined, and a logging strategy is developed to ensure system reliability. The individual measures are prioritized based on their effectiveness and can then be transferred into a clear project roadmap.

    • Strategische Marketing-Konzepte

      Implementing the interfaces

      In the implementation phase, we connect all involved services through interfaces, map fields, and configure data transformations. By implementing one process at a time and conducting successful testing, we ensure a smooth transition to live operation. This approach enables rapid relief, reduces time-to-market, and yields an early return on investment.

    Our Customers: We are growth partners of

    Kundenlogo Siemens AG Grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET-svg
    Kundenlogo Zeiss Blau und Weiss- Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Bosch: Customer Logo of Digital Agency SUNZINET
    AirPlus Logo
    Gerolsteiner Logo - Kundenprojekt - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo SWM - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo LANXESS Energizing Chemistry schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo AOK-Verlag schwarz/grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Biontech grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo SparkassenZeitung - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Boesner grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Deutsche Familienversicherung dunkelblau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo OBI orange - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo SUNPOINT schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Yazaki schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo KoelnBusiness rot - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Deutsche Ärtzteversicherung blau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo BERNER Group schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Gerresheimer grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Stage Entertainment rot/schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundelogo Gothaer grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundelogo Frische Paradies grau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo BPW dunkelblau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo der Digitalagentur SUNZINET - swarovski-optik-logo
    Kundenlogo Canon rot - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Digitalagentur SUNZINET - Agentur für Strategieberatung

    Your advantages with SUNZINET as a full-service agency for interface development:

    As a full-service digital agency, we are familiar with the diverse software solutions used by our clients. Especially in the e-commerce sector, there are typically many different systems in use, each representing a small part of the larger value chain: ERP systems, PIM systems, e-commerce platforms, payment providers, as well as external companies such as logistics service providers with their own software solutions, need to be connected. However, even in lead-focused B2B processes with individual quoting and sales processes, there are significant benefits that can be easily achieved through system integration. In addition to ERP systems, the system landscape often includes CRM products and CPQ solutions.

    As a digital lead agency with a full-service scope, we have a deep understanding of the needs and processes of different business models from numerous projects with our clients. We can develop and implement a tailored solution for your specific requirements.

    Headless CMS Web development Agentur SUNZINET - 3

    We utilize MACH architecture - for more flexibility, scalability and speed

    We base our projects on MACH architecture – a modern technological framework consisting of four key components: Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless.

    MACH Architecture allows you to rapidly adapt and integrate the latest technologies without being tied to specific vendors or technology stacks. It also supports a more personalized customer experience and enables faster updates and improvements, driving innovation and maintaining competitive advantage.

    Your benefits from a sustainable interface development

    • Process automation 

      Let your business processes run fully automated across all your software components.

    • Time saving and quality improvement

      Avoid tedious and error-prone data transfer between individual systems to save time and improve quality

    • Data Availability in all services

      Each service has real-time access to the data it needs.  Therefore eliminating delays or dependencies on other services, allowing for seamless and efficient operations.

    • Better Customer Experience

      Create a seamless experience for your customers. Anytime and at every touchpoint.

    • Cross-service reporting

      Make better data-driven decisions via consolidate data from all your systems on central dashboard.

    Your system landscape is in the best hands

    We work daily on automating various processes of our clients. In doing so, our experts have the knowledge and experience to integrate a wide range of tools and solutions that are used by our clients.

    ERP & Logistics

    ERP & Logistics

    • Dynamics NAV / Business Central
    • SAP
    • Various industry-specific solutions
    • Amazon FBA
    • Inventory management systems of other logistics service providers

    CRM & Marketing

    CRM & Marketing

    Business Tools

    • Easybill
    • Fastbill
    • Mollie
    • Stripe
    • Aircall
    • Various industry-specific solutions

    BI & Dashboards

    BI & Dashboards

    • PowerBI
    • Tableau
    • Google Looker Studio
    Digitalagentur und Internet agentur SUNZINET

    Your system landscape is in the best hands

    We work daily on automating various processes of our clients. In doing so, our experts have the knowledge and experience to integrate a wide range of tools and solutions that are used by our clients.

    Ein Dreieck, ein Viereck und ein Kreis sind unter einer Glühbirne als Zeichen für Prozessautomation und Systemingtegration - Digitalagentur SUNZINET

    ERP & Logistics

    • Dynamics NAV / Business Central
    • SAP
    • Various industry-specific solutions
    • Amazon FBA
    • Inventory management systems of other logistics service providers

    Ein schwarzer Pfeil mit grünem Akzent bewegt sich nach oben und nach rechts - Digitalagentur für Wachstum - SUNZINET

    CRM & Marketing

    Symbol mit einem Haken und einem Dollarzeichen.
    • Easybill
    • Fastbill
    • Mollie
    • Stripe
    • Aircall
    • Various industry-specific solutions
    Ein Desktop mit drei verschiedenen Graphen als Zeichen für Agentur - Digitalagentur SUNZINET

    BI & Dashboards

    • PowerBI
    • Tableau
    • Google Looker Studio
    Bild eines Fingers, der auf einen schwarzen Einkaufswagen mit grünen Akzenten klickt: Digitalagentur für E-Commerce



    Let us enhance your business processes for better performance

    Fill out the form, and we'll connect within 24 hours to discuss your challenges and the initial steps to optimize your enterprise architecture.

    Simona Mayer
    Head of Business Development


    +49 221 / 355 009 0

    • How can you recognize a lack of system integration?

      Mehr ansehen

      Lack of system integration in a company can manifest in various ways. Here are some signs to watch out for:

      Data inconsistencies: If you notice that the same data yields different results in different systems, it may indicate a problem with system integration.

      Manual data entry: When employees regularly have to manually enter data into multiple systems, it can be an indication of poor integration. A well-integrated system landscape should allow for automated data transfers between systems.

      Difficulties in data exchange: If it is challenging or impossible to exchange data between different systems, it may indicate a lack of integration. Smooth data exchange should be possible within a well-integrated system landscape.

      Delays and errors: If there are delays or errors due to data or information not being available in real-time, it may suggest a lack of integration.

      Duplicate work: If employees have to manually enter the same data into different systems or update the same information multiple times, it may indicate ineffective integration between the systems.

    • What is the cost of system integration through an agency?

      Mehr ansehen

      Hiring an integration agency to connect your system landscape doesn't necessarily have to be a large-scale project with a high investment. Often, it is worth starting with the integration of the two main systems to ensure a smooth data flow and automated processes between them. This could involve integrating an online shop with an ERP system or connecting a CRM system with a newsletter delivery tool.

      Keeping an online shop constantly updated with the latest prices and availability from the ERP system, and syncing the received orders back into the ERP system, can often be accomplished in just a few days. This not only saves significant effort by eliminating manual exports and imports between systems but also delivers immediate benefits.

    • How does agile methodology work in interface projects?

      Mehr ansehen

      Agile methodology in integration projects can help to implement the integration of systems and processes more efficiently and quickly. Usually, architects and integrators work closely with the business departments and agree on the following approach:

      Requirements gathering: The first step in an agile integration project is to gather requirements. This can be done through workshops, interviews, or surveys to gain a comprehensive understanding of the requirements.

      Planning: Based on the requirements, an agile project plan is created, which includes the various steps of the integration project. Priorities are set, and the project scope is defined.

      Agile methodology: Agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban are used to divide the integration project into small, manageable units. These units are known as sprints or work cycles, usually lasting one to four weeks.

      Development: In each sprint, the requirements are implemented. This involves developing code, conducting tests, and implementing the systems. The development teams work together to achieve the best possible result.

      Testing: After each development phase, the systems are tested. It is ensured that the integration is successful and that all requirements are met. If any issues are found, they are addressed in the next sprint.

      Deployment: Once the integration system has been tested and validated, it can be deployed into production. The agile team ensures that the system is rolled out in a controlled environment and that all stakeholders are informed.

      Feedback: Agile methodology requires constant review and adaptation. After each sprint, there is a feedback discussion to evaluate success, identify issues, and plan actions for the next sprint.

      By using agile methods, integration projects can be implemented faster and more efficiently as they allow for early identification and resolution of problems. Agile integration can also help improve collaboration between development teams and other stakeholders, leading to a successful integration project.

    • What is a Microservice-System architecture?

      Mehr ansehen

      Modern system landscapes are characterized by microservice architectures - the software monolith is outdated. This shortens the time-to-market for new features and increases maintainability. Each microservice is an independent process that performs a specific task or function.

      In contrast to a monolithic architecture, where all functions are consolidated within a single application, a microservice architecture is modular. This means that each microservice can be developed, tested, and delivered independently without affecting the entire system.

      Microservices are typically lightweight services that communicate using a common platform such as a RESTful API or a message-based middleware. By using an open interface, each microservice can be developed independently of the underlying technology.